God's Response When You're In A Season Of Lack Or Limitations

💖Happy Sunday!! I'm sitting here in the car at home having a chit-chat with God about what I don't have, what I'm tired of, and how I don't want Him to see me as ungrateful... I just want to speak of what He already knows is on my heart.

In the midst of that, as I share thanks to Him for what I do have, I'm reminded of the creativity He continues to give me to make something out of "nothing." I am reminded once again that although I may not have what I want or think I need, He helps maximize what's in my hand.

His provision doesn't always look how I expect it or want it to, but it always supernaturally "hits the spot."

He's showing me that a lot of my desires are rooted in things that would make my life seemingly easier. And the truth is, God's desires for us don't always include the things that would make life easier! However, more times than not His desires and provision for us is rooted in ways to make us stronger, bring us closer to Him, and to teach us valuable lessons that equip us for whatever we're about to face in the near or distant future.

Beloved, He considers all things when we can only see what's right in front of us. I thank God for being considerate, strategic, and not rushed based on our emotions. He stands firm and remains faithful.

I encourage you as I am being encouraged in this moment. Verbally share your heart with God and make your requests known. Thank Him for what He's done, seen, and unseen. P.S. Ask God to show you how to double what you have. You may end up seeing you have more than you started with. Then, also ask Him to open your heart to trust that He is able to provide your daily bread and more 🍞💖

Love, DeKelis


Life Pits, Healing, and Psalm 46:5


A Prayer for Spiritual Awareness, Forgiveness, and Holy Conviction