Life Pits, Healing, and Psalm 46:5

Happy January!!

I know, I know, we're already midway through the month, but I finally feel well enough to send you a DeKelis Newsletter/Update!

If you read my previous email, you'll know how much life has shifted at home for me. We're full-time caregivers to my mom who is battling stage 4 cancer (I only share this detail because she made it "Facebook official" recently), plus I'm recovering from a major surgery I had about two weeks ago. Although my mom and I are making positive progress in our healing journey, we both still have a ways to go.

Our health circumstances are completely different, yet we're both learning the value of rest, accepting the help of family and dear friends, learning about ourselves, and gaining a glimpse of how God is using our health challenges for a higher purpose. What we go through is so much bigger than us. It ain't easy, or always pleasant and uplifting to be a part of. But we have been blessed to see in real-time some of the ways God has been gracious and merciful to us and our family through it. We have experienced so many "little" miracles!

Every day is a new chance to witness a miracle. Inspirational quote on top of colorful abstract painted background.

“Every day is a new chance to witness a miracle” - DeKelis Art Studio

Recently two of my cousins, on two separate occasions shared with me that they wish they had the level of faith I had. I told them my faith grows stronger with every "life pit" God helps me crawl out of.

This thought hit me the other morning - God is giving the term "pitty-party" a whole new meaning!

If you're familiar with the stories of Joseph, Daniel, and Jeremiah in the Bible, for varying reasons, they all ended up in a literal dark pit/den. Although the pits were meant to destroy them, it wasn't a place they stayed in and died - it was a place of opportunity for God to show up and show out - not only for them but for anyone else who witnessed their fall and rise out of the pit.

"The Pit-Party" - So, if you're feeling like you're in a life pit, start anticipating what miracle and breakthrough God is about to manifest in your life. Not only to benefit you but others who are connected to you now and in the future. Things don't look good or promising in the pit. It always feels like there's no way out... literally, you've hit rock bottom. But my oh my (in my Pentecostal preacher voice 😅), you may have hit rock bottom, but as long as that rock is a foundation in God, you'll be okay! When God is your foundational rock, you can hit rock bottom every single time knowing He's got you and you won't continue to sink, because He's firm and strong and capable of carrying the weight you bear. There's nothing you can ever carry that's too heavy for Him or beyond His capacity to help you back up.

Today, this old hymn has a whole new meaning to me, "On Christ the solid rock I stand, all other ground is sinking sand, all other ground is sinking sand" 😭🙌🙌

Also now that I think of it, being "between a rock and a hard place" ain't so bad, as long as we're leaning on the solid rock - Jesus Christ. He's got our back, and He'll take us through every hard place we encounter.

I have even realized you need to be okay with not receiving credit for what God's about to do. The only credit you should want is that you CHOSE to TRUST God - even if your feelings haven't caught up to it yet.

The devotional I'm reading this week taught me that TRUST IS A CHOICE. Everything else will follow suit.

The author Peggy Joyce Ruth said she says this every time she has to put trust in action:

"The Lord gave me a simple little statement to say out loud every time I am faced with an opportunity to be disappointed. I am simply to say, "Lord, in this particular situation (name the situation) I choose to trust You." I have probably repeated that one phrase more than 10,000 times. And, I don't know what it is but there is something about saying it out loud that kicks the whole process into gear and releases the trust." 🙌🙌

I don't know about you, but what I've just shared has encouraged me in ways I didn't know I needed. Guess it was bubbling with me and the only way to get it out, was to encourage you. I pray it inspires and gives you a pep in your step for the remainder of this month, or better yet 2025!

New this month with DeKelis Art

I still have about 5-7 weeks before I'm cleared to re-engage in all my usual activities. That is why the DeKelis shop and services will remain closed until February. So as much as my mind is swirling with hands-on projects and painting ideas, I still need to focus on resting my body and being still. That has been the HARDEST thing for me right now, I've had a couple of setbacks to show for it too. Thankfully, I can still create and design things from my computer and leave the making, packing, and shipping to someone else...! Below is a new collection I started in August for my Zazzle Shop!

Tap the photo to shop the collection or click here

"God is within her she will not fall - Psalm 46:5", is a popular inspirational Bible verse among Christian women to encourage them that they are not alone in their life journey and that whatever they set out to do, God is with them helping them for His glory. The florals represent you and the three intentionally placed butterflies represent the Trinity. This design serves as a great reminder not only to the wearer but also an inspiration to any other woman who sees this in public or photos.

I love the look of lined artwork and the simplicity of black and white with intricate designs. I know shocker since I'm such a big advocate for color, color, and more color 🌈🌈🌈

However, now and then it's nice to have a color palette cleanser. So although it's just black and white it still is true to DeKelis Art with its intricate design and significant meaning.

Full disclosure: I did not illustrate the florals and butterflies, but I did arrange the way the florals, butterflies, and text lay within each design specific to each product.

Last but not least -

If you're feeling like you're in a "life-pit", here are a few things that have been helping me the past two weeks, they may help you too!

What I'm reading:

Devotional - Unwavering Trust In God - 10-Day Devotional by Peggy Joyce Ruth

Bible - Book of Isaiah

What I'm Listening to:

Sound Mind by Bryan and Katie Torwalt

Praise Before My Breakthrough by Bryan and Katie Torwalt

Until next time, stay well and be blessed,

Love, DeKelis


Inspirational Women of February a New Art Print Collection!


God's Response When You're In A Season Of Lack Or Limitations